With the increase in online scams, it’s crucial to learn about different scam types and prevention strategies to safeguard your financial well-being. An impersonation scam involves scammers posing as trustworthy individuals to trick victims into sharing sensitive information or taking actions that can result in financial harm.

Impersonation scams can take various forms, such as:

  • Email Phishing: Scammers send emails mimicking legitimate sources, urging recipients to click links, download files, or provide personal data like passwords and credit card information.
  • CEO Fraud/Business Email Compromise: Scammers impersonate high-level executives, coaxing employees into financial transactions or revealing confidential details, leading to substantial corporate losses.
  • Romance Scams: Fraudsters create fake personas to forge romantic connections, exploiting trust to request money by fabricating financial crises.
  • Government Impersonations: Scammers masquerade as officials, using threats of legal action or fines to manipulate victims into making payments or sharing personal data.
  • Social Media Impersonation: Scammers create fake profiles on social media platforms, often using the names and photos of real individuals, to deceive users into believing they are interacting with someone they know and trust. They may then ask for money or personal information.
  • Lottery and Prize Scams: Scammers falsely declare victims as lottery winners, demanding upfront payments or personal data to claim fictitious prizes, resulting in financial loss or identity theft.

To avoid falling victim to impersonation scams, its important to exercise caution and follow these guidelines:

  • Confirm Identities: Independently verify contacts' identities, particularly if they seek personal or financial data. If in doubt, hang up or delete the message and call us on 1300 36 2000.
  • Question Urgent Appeals: Be cautious of urgent requests pressuring swift decisions; take time to evaluate without haste.
  • Use Official Contact Information: Reach out through established official contact details instead of clicking links in emails.
  • Educate Yourself: Familiarize yourself with common scam tactics, especially for unexpected requests involving sensitive info or payments.
  • Secure Accounts: Use strong, unique passwords for different online accounts and change frequently.
  • Enable two-factor authentication where possible, and regularly update your devices and software to stay protected against potential breaches.
  • You should regularly monitor your bank account for any unusual or unauthorised transactions.

If you suspect you've been targeted by an impersonation scam or any other scams, call us immediately on 1300 36 2000.

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