Many of our Members are well known to our staff. We recognise their voices because we have served them for many years. Therefore, we also know when someone is trying to impersonate them.

Last week, we received a call from someone who was trying to impersonate a Member, whom we happen to know very well. Our staff picked up on it straight away and stopped the scam immediately. Shortly after, the Member contacted us to advise that she had provided her personal information to someone in a suspicious call. We advised the Member that we had stopped the scammer from accessing her bank account.

We ceased internet banking access and all banking activities before the scammer was able to access her account online. The following day, the Member visited our branch and updated all of her personal information. She was very grateful that our staff know her so well, and that we were able to pick up on something like this.

Every day, we work hard to educate our Members to be wary of suspicious calls from unknown sources. Please remember that we will never ask you for your bank account details over the phone or online.

If you believe you have been scammed, please call us on 1300 36 2000 immediately.

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