It's alarming to hear in the media that Australians lose over $3 billion annually to scams through various methods like emails, calls, texts, and social media.

They adopt tactics such as phishing and identity theft, making it a priority for everyone to stay watchful.

Here's a guide to help you stay alert and protect yourself from scams and fraud.

  1. Verify
    Verify the legitimacy of anyone contacting you before sharing personal information or making financial transactions. Be cautious of unexpected messages or calls, pressuring you to act quickly or share sensitive details. Do not click on links in messages or emails.
  1. Beware of unsolicited offers                                                     
    Whether it's a lottery win, an inheritance from an unknown relative, or a lucrative investment opportunity, be cautious and confirm the validity of such claims before proceeding.

  2. Monitor your accounts regularly   
    Check your bank accounts and credit report for any unauthorized activity. Immediately report any suspicious transactions for inconsistencies to your financial institution or appropriate authorities.

  3. Install security software          
    Install antivirus and anti-malware software on your devices Keep your software updated to guard against the latest security vulnerabilities.
  1. Trust your Instincts                                                      
    If something feels off or too good to be true, it probably is. Research and consult family or friends before making decisions if something seems suspicious or too good to be true.

If you have fallen victim of a scam or suspect someone has gained access to your personal information, contact Unity Bank immediately on 1300 36 2000. You can also report a scam through the Scam Watch website and find additional information on scams and how to protect yourself. 

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