We are urging our Members to be wary of messages impersonating Linkt (QLD Toll Road Provider) requesting your card details to make a payment or update your details by clicking a link, most often contact is made through SMS and WhatsApp. These are phishing scams designed to steal your credit card details and then used to set up a digital wallet, such as Apple Pay or Google Pay operated by a scammer.

To protect yourself from these scams, please follow the advices from ACCC.

  • Do not click on any links in unexpected messages. Even if you expect a message, it is best to access the information directly from a website or a source you have found independently.
  • Pay attention to typos or grammatical mistakes in the text message. Delete the message and do not respond.
  • If you think you have an unpaid bill, contact the company separately through their legitimate channels.
  • Do not reply to the message. Delete and block the number.

If you are concerned about the security of your account or believe you have been scammed, contact us immediately on 1300 36 2000.

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